The Cross-Country Quilters...Review

About the book:
Julia, Megan, Donna, Grace, and Vinnie are cross-country friends who are about to begin work on a challenge quilt. A piece of fabric is divided among the women, with the understanding that the following year they will all meet at the Elm Creek Quilt Camp to sew the sections together into a single quilt. But the friends have set themselves a special challenge: no one can start working on her block until she has taken steps to solve her problems and achieve her personal goals.

Although they share a common creative objective, the Cross-Country Quilters find their friendship tested by the demands of everyday life. Yet despite differences in age, race, and background, the women's love of quilting and affection for one another unite them. The quilt they create becomes a symbol of the threads that hold their lives together-a glorious patchwork of caring and loyalty that brings home an enduring truth: Friends may be separated by great distance, but the strength of their bond can transcend any obstacle.

I liked it. It's the third in the Elm Creek Quilt series. This one was about 5 different women, instead of the original Elm Creek Quilters, but it's still originates and ends at quilt camp. These 5 women agree to complete a challenge quilt together, but before they can start their own patches, they need to resolve the personal issues that plague them.

Entertaining and heartwarming. An easy read.

Chiaverini is a great storyteller and completely captures the essence of relationships. A definite must-read.

Thanks to my local library for having a copy I could borrow.

Read 12/07
